Blogging Changed My Life

Photo Credit: Arztsamui at
Photo Credit: Arztsamui at

What’s this now? A blog post? On Friday? Why yes, I suppose it is! Since school has ended for the summer I’ve been posting on a regular schedule of Monday and Wednesday, but I’ve decided that it might be fun to start making posts on Friday as well! I absolutely love writing, and this blog has given me a platform that allows me to express my thoughts and ideas to an audience that is wider than my journal. I always feel great on a day that I write a post, so why not add an extra day?

I haven’t decided how this is really going to work and what these posts will look like, but I do know that I want to start getting more serious with this blog and posting more often. I’ve kind of been debating whether or not to do this for a while now, but a little over a week ago I read a very inspiring post by Courtney over at her blog, Shopping Healthy. In her post, titled “My Revelation,” she talks about how writing her blog started out as a school assignment, but has turned into something much more amazing.

Photo Credit: Vlado at
Photo Credit: Vlado at

Courtney’s passion for writing and healthy living shines through her post, and it made me want to get up and get serious about my blog, too. This blog has turned into something more than I ever imagined. Here on WordPress I’ve started to discover a community; a place in which I get to read other wonderful people’s thoughts and experiences and be inspired by them. There’s something about sharing our lives with each other that helps remind us that we are all in this together. We’re all just trying to survive this thing they call life, and it helps to see other people fighting the same fight we sometimes may think we’re battling alone.

I know that if it weren’t for discovering bloggers like Skinny Emmie or vloggers like Shay Carl and the ApprenticeEh team, I would never have been the person I am today. Alongside the support of my friends and family, the support of this online community of people that share their lives day in and day out has shown me that doing what you love is a whole lot better than doing what is safe and comfortable. Writing for the world to see is not something that I’m always very comfortable with, but being pushed past my idea of comfort has allowed me to grow and become a better me. I’m not exaggerating when I say that blogging has changed my life.

Photo Credit: Bplanet at
Photo Credit: Bplanet at

So I want to say thank you. I want to thank all of the awesome people that have taken the risk of presenting something as precious as their thoughts for the rest of the world to see. I want to thank all of the people that have ever taken the time out of their day to read one of my posts, a fact that still boggles my mind. I know that I have been inspired by so many amazing bloggers and vloggers, and I can only hope that one day I can inspire just one person as well; because blogging isn’t about someone writing a post to an empty wall. It’s about sharing stories. It’s about engaging with each other. It’s about building community and starting a conversation.

Comment Question: What is the influence that the blogging community has had on your life? Let me know by commenting in the comment section below and joining the conversation!

One thought on “Blogging Changed My Life

  1. I’m with ya! I’ve only been blogging since September, but it’s been amazing. I was afraid to publicly share my writing for a long time, but it was so worth the risk. I’ve grown so much as a writer, and I love getting the opportunity to read other people’s thoughts, too.

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